Monday 12 May 2008

Arrived in NZ

I have just arrived in New Zealand having spent a few days in Hong Kong and the contrast could hardly be greater. Thirty degree heat and a tropical flora has now been replaced by snow capped mountains and shades of autumn combined with the green of the NZ natives
This is my first visit to New Zealand at this time of year, I have previously only visited in spring and summer , I hadn’t expected to see such a pronounced sense of autumn . Christchurch is cooler than some parts of NZ and also has a good amount of deciduous plantings,( the garden style hereabouts has long been very British.) which are all colouring up well..
I have just come in from the hotel gardens after taking a few photos of the liriodendron and liquidambar mixed in with cordyline and pittosporum. I spoke with the gardener who said that the first frost had been minus five and had killed all his bedding. You can immediately see what a mixed up gardening world we have entered.
I mentioned that forty horticulturalists from around the world were descending on the hotel this afternoon, he was mortified and wished the manager had tipped him off earlier, he now feels that he needs to rush around the borders as we will be scrutinising more than most visitors.
I meet up with the rest of the tour later on today and tomorrow we have our first committee meeting, I promise to provide you with a full report.

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